Monthly Archives: October 2014

#NerdsOnWheels: Road Trip to Meteor Crater!

A little more than 48 hours ago, I piled into an RV with a few friends and fellow members of the Nerd Brigade, and we headed out to find an extraterrestrial…or at least, the remnant of one.  Meteor Crater, the result of a 50,000-year-old impact, lies in the northern Arizona desert about 500 miles from […]

Posted in Extra Credit, News, Reflections

New Books in Physics: Roberto Trotta, The Edge of the Sky

This week for New Books in Physics, I spoke with Dr. Roberto Trotta of Imperial College London about his new book, The Edge of the Sky: All You Need to Know About the All-There-Is.  Inspired by xkcd’s Up-Goer Five comic, Trotta describes the current state of astrophysics and cosmology using only the ten-hundred most common words in […]

Posted in Extra Credit, NBN Episodes

A Journey to the Center of the Earth

“La science, mon garçon, est faite d’erreurs, mais d’erreurs qu’il est bon de commettre, car elles mènent peu à peu à la vérité.” “Science, my boy, is made up of errors, but these errors are worthwhile to commit, because they lead little by little to the truth.” –Jules Verne, Voyage au Centre de la Terre Eighteen hundred […]

Posted in Extra Credit

New Books in Physics: Don Lincoln, The Large Hadron Collider

Last Monday, I sat down (via Skype) with Fermilab senior scientist Don Lincoln to discuss his new book, The Large Hadron Collider:  The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That Will Blow Your Mind.  This interview is my first contribution to the New Books Network (I’ll specifically be contributing to the Physics and […]

Posted in Extra Credit, NBN Episodes