On Citing Things (+ Sources for Ep. 1)

In preparation for posting the first episode, I’ve compiled a list of all the sources (scholarly and not) that I used to put it together, and that got me thinking that I should probably clarify how I feel about sources and citing things and the internet in general.  In a nutshell:  it’s super important and not that hard and everyone should be doing more of it.  I’ve seen plenty of snappy videos on YouTube that explain a topic in a new and awesome way, but then don’t tell you how they know what they’re talking about – and that drives me crazy!  I don’t want you to take my word for anything.  I’m just a person with an interest, and I’ve put some time into reading up about the stuff that intrigues me.  I see no reason why I shouldn’t tell you where I got that information, and I’d be happy to be fact-checked too (well, not happy exactly, since I’ve really tried here, but you know what I mean).  So here goes:

Primary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

I’ve also tried really hard to only use images that are in the public domain (or failing that, to cite them properly), and here’s where I’ve found them:

  • Title page and figure from Nollet’s Essai
  • “Electric Boy”:  from “William Watson’s 1748 work”
  • Franklin & his kite:  Currier & Ives. “Franklin’s experiment, June 1752: Demonstrating the identity of lightning and electricity, from which he invented the lightning rod.” Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress.
  • Nollet and the Guardsmen:  Engraving by H. Valentin in Louis Figuier, Les grandes Inventions
  • Electric Machine: Louis Figuier, Les merveilles de la science
  • Leyden jar cutaway
  • Electric Kiss
  • Effluent streams: 2nd ed. of Nollet’s Essai (also reprinted clearly in Heilbron, p.283)
  • Cartoons:  I’ve been extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Jorge Cham (the creator of PHD Comics) on a variety of projects, and he graciously agreed to illustrate a few of the concepts in this video with his catchy cartoons – including my new cartoon alter ego, which I love!

The portraits are all from Wikipedia:  NolletFranklin, Louis XV, Tesla, Maxwell, Fourier, Coulomb, Descartes, Newton

That’s it!  Stay tuned for the actual episode soon.

Posted in TA Episodes

3 Responses to On Citing Things (+ Sources for Ep. 1)

  1. […] the previous post for sources and more information, and be sure to watch in HD! Posted in Episodes | Leave a […]

  2. Ronald Raymond says:

    Finally on the way to innovation. Shouts to Cali…

  3. Lizzie Marie says:

    Loved it !!!!!!!!!! Is that map for sale???? it would be an awesome poster!!!!!!!!!!!